Thursday 25 December 2014

A change for the better...

You can never lead life in a certain direction, I'm a strong believer in the term 'everything happens for a reason' and of course change is inevitable. 
One thing however I know for sure is that if you want something, you better go and get it, else you'll be sitting coasting your life away in a dead end 9-5 job that's getting you no where. 
That wasn't the life I wanted for myself.

I live in a very small village, just in-between Cambridge and Norwich and as much as I love to return there every once in a while, chill out, take life in and of course see my lovely family and friends, there was no way I was staying there forever.

I've chose to go to University at the complete opposite end of the country to my home and have ended up in Preston, Lancashire (The University of Central Lancashire).
I can openly say this is the best and easiest decision I ever made for myself, within the space of just three months I've met friends that could easily be my future children's godparents and of course to top it off I'm studying a degree I'm absolutely in love with.
Although at first this was a hugeeee step for me and I could of easily bailed out at the very last minute and just lived my life in comfort of my parents, that wasn't the independence I needed to take control of my own life.

This is a fresh start for me and a fresh start for my blog, I hope more than ever you'll be here for the long haul of brittsbazaar...

All my love,

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